About Us

Who we are

SCK CERTIFICATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED has established as a Private Limited Company as per Indian Constitution. SCK CERTIFICATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is formed basically to provide certification services for management systems according to ISO 9001:2015 Scheme.

The Management Systems Certification activities of SCK CERTIFICATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED consists of a series of activities aimed at assessing the ability of an organization’s Management Systems and thereby providing third party Certification to the organizations. Details of the various management systems are elaborated throughout the quality manual. Certificate of conformity of an organization’s one or more management system standards demonstrates that the organization has implemented and is maintaining an effective management system in the area specified on the license/certificate and is operating its processes, activities, operations, etc. in accordance with that system. The certification services are open to all applicants. However, in the areas other than accredited scope, SCK would provide its services based on the expertise and experience available. SCK would also decide from time to time regarding extending its services to other countries depending upon the relations, agreements and feasibility of operations. Management Systems certification/activity or Management Systems wherever used in the documentation shall mean any of the management systems/system and/or their combination (integrated).

The system certification activities of SCK are carried out by all its personnel through systematic, documented and uniform procedures.

SCK CERTIFICATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED (SCK) is committed to offer Management System Certification and Training Services to the highest standard to all organizations without any discrimination, by delivering competent, consistent, impartial and value-added conformity assessments.

We wish to achieve our aims as a major international accredited certification body and recognize that effective management of our customers, our staff, our certification / Training process and our business results make good business sense.

We want to achieve this by: –

Offering certification and Training services in accordance with ISO 17021-1:2015 that is fair, impartial and objective to all who wish to avail themselves of our service,

Providing our customers with a professional service that is perceived to add value to their business and satisfy their expectations, Practising sound certification and Training principles through the competent staff.

Developing an open exchange of information with organizations and the public on the certification and Training services that we offer, Practicing sound business principles to manage the certification & Training body and give a return on our shareholder’s investment, Communicating this policy to our staff, customers and interested parties.

Continual improvement in building capacity for meeting the changing needs of certifications.